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Decumulation – Strategies and Trends

Have you or your employees ever wondered about the most efficient ways of drawing down your retirement assets? Are you offering a plan with enough flexibility to meet the needs of your diverse employee group? With so many different puzzle pieces, it’s no wonder so…

Pensions, Retirement and Markets: 5 Questions for 2018

…plans and annuitization of benefits through third parties. We expect these trends to continue in 2018. Will the Department of Labor (DOL) Fiduciary Rule Continue as a Significant Force? The DOL Fiduciary Rule went partially into effect in June 2017 while fully required implementation has…

Investing with “Style”: Growth and Value Stocks

and size. These and other studies have helped launch a cottage industry of market indexes and funds focused on value and growth stocks.1 Value stocks can be viewed as those of companies with low price-to-earnings ratios, that is, “cheap” stocks. Growth stocks are characterized by…

Fixing What Others Fear

…significant fines and penalties. In fact, in 2021, we helped clients file 12 Voluntary Correction Program (VCP) applications and avoid over $1 million in penalties. Some of the ways we do this for plan sponsors are illustrated in the real-life case studies that follow. The…

What is Bitcoin?

…to become a part of the global financial landscape, and could increase in popularity as an alternative payment medium for millennials and as an investment for speculative investors. NOTE: Information presented herein is for discussion and illustrative purposes only and is not a recommendation or…

Pentegra at 75: Still Going Strong

…industry. Unfortunately, something else that has not changed is most Americans’ attitudes towards saving for their golden years. “Save early and often” is one of our mantras, but time and again we see reports saying that for many people – especially those in the millennial

How Does the Housing Market Affect the United States Economy?

…smaller correlation. What might explain the weaker relationship after 2009? Although homebuilding supply recovered after the 2008-09 slump, there was also continued weak demand due to factors such as millennials staying at home longer, fragile consumer confidence and slow wage growth. In summary, housing activity…

The Growing Use of Collective Investment Trusts in Retirement Plans

…in 2011. What are some potential advantages of CITs versus mutual funds? They include: lower administrative costs and regulatory costs; exemption from certain types of reporting such as prospectuses; and customized pricing flexibility depending upon plan size. Studies have estimated that CIT costs can be…

Working After Retirement: “Want To” Over “Need To”

…to remain in their careers beyond the age of 65 or are seeking new work post-retirement tend to be more highly educated, often with advanced degrees. In one of the studies highlighted in Dr. Sass’ brief, researchers explored the importance of non-financial rewards in influencing…

Pentegra’s Harris Poll: Social Security: Still Reliable?

…through 2088. Studies published in May by Harvard and Dartmouth, meanwhile, maintain that the Social Security Administration has been overstating the financial health of its trust funds since 2000, indicating that the shortfall could arrive much sooner than noted above. Either way, there is clearly…